An integrated support program that converges new and renewable energy sources to multiple-purpose zones. The program produces electricity and heat by installing facilities that leverage complementary energy sources such as solar and wind in certain residential, public, and commercial (industrial) zones.
A consortium shall be jointly formed by local governments or public institutions, new and renewable energy facility installation companies, monitoring firms, supervisory firms, and the private sector, where the local government or public institution (including public institutions funded by local government) shall be the lead organization.
Matching of financing for the installation cost of new and renewable energy facilities other than the government subsidies and covering the installation cost for auxiliary facilities (such as energy-saving facilities)
Matching of financing for the installation cost of new and renewable energy facilities other than government subsidies and project management
Institutions other than the lead institution that supports the design and installation of the new and renewable energy facility
- Energy source convergence project :
Simultaneous installation of two or more new and renewable energy facilities (including power storage facilities) in a single location (such as a building)
- Multiple-purpose zone project :
Simultaneous installation of one or more new and renewable energy facilities in certain areas where different project targets coexist, such as housing, public, and commercial (industrial) buildings.
- Convergence of energy sources (two or more) in regions that cannot be connected to the grid
- Simultaneously install (and support) solar and wind power in regions with high power generation costs (such as islands, remote locations) to replace existing power sources, such as diesel generators
- Establishing a track record to build on the export strategy as standalone small grids, while reducing operating costs with alternative energy sources (can support power storage facilities)
- Convergence of energy sources (two or more) in regions that can be connected to the grid
- Install and support new and renewable energy facilities, together with thermal facilities, including solar and geothermal, in regions where sufficient heat collection areas above certain capacity thresholds can be secured, so as to store excessive solar heat during spring and fall in a seasonal thermal energy storage system to be used in the winter season.
- Establishing a track record to build on the export strategy as standalone small grids, while reducing operating costs with alternative energy sources (can support power storage facilities)
- Convergence of energy sources using a seasonal thermal energy storage system
- Install and support new and renewable energy facilities, together with thermal facilities, including solar and geothermal, in regions where sufficient heat collection areas above certain capacity thresholds can be secured, so as to store excessive solar heat during spring and fall in a seasonal thermal energy storage system to be used in the winter season.
- The project requires large heat collection areas (minimum 4,000 – 10,000㎡) in consideration of the investment efficiency and can be integrated with existing heat facilities, geothermal heat pumps, biofuels, wood pellets, and other renewable heating systems.
- Supporting multiple-purpose zones (residential, commercial, and public buildings) in designated areas
- Install and support facilities for solar, wind, and fuel cells in specific areas that include a mixture of residential, commercial, and public buildings
- May mainly focus on implementing the new and renewable energy source that is optimal for the local environment of the specified region
announcement -
Submit business
plans -
evaluation -
Site evaluation
Selection and
signing of agreement
Converge two or more energy sources, including photovoltaic, solar thermal, and wind power, to improve the utilization effectiveness of renewable energy
Implement large-scale new and renewable energy operation in a single region to jointly supply energy to houses, buildings, and industrial properties

Promote convergence projects between energy sources and multiple purpose zones (residential, commercial, and public) that consider regional characteristics in new and renewable energy implementation projects, which in turn will contribute to the expansion of the new and renewable energy supply while significantly improving the efficiency of the supply.
Support within 50% of the total project cost (However, external wall vertical BIPV projects shall be supported within 70%)
- Total project cost :
Consists of installation, monitoring, and system design costs of new and renewable energy facilities
- The equipment and subsidy unit prices for each energy type shall be notified via the New and Renewable Energy Center website once announced.
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