
Building/Livestock Facility Support Program

Building Support Program

The government provides full or partial subsidies for a portion of the installation cost of the renewable energy facilities with the intent to commercialize recently developed renewable energy technologies, while supporting the distribution of already commercialized technologies to expand the renewable energy market.

Project Outline

A program to mass distribute commercialized facilities intended for self-use


An individual who wishes to install new and renewable energy facilities for self-use in general buildings or facilities and currently owns (a representative in the case of joint ownership) the said property as stated in the real estate register or is soon expected to become an owner
* Excluding recipients of housing support programs (single-family houses, apartment houses, and government-supported housing), regional support programs, and those subject to mandatory installations

  • Building support programs

    includes all buildings and facilities not in scope of residential housing, as stated in Article 21 of the Regulations on Support for New and Renewable Energy Facilities, and buildings and facilities owned or managed by local governments.

  • Pilot programs

    projects intended to install new and renewable energy facilities for a fixed duration of the pilot program where development results for new technologies are applied to housing, buildings, and additional facilities or where new technologies are to be applied after validation by demonstration.
    * According to Article 2 (Definitions) of the Subsidy Management Act, buildings and facilities owned or managed by the state are not eligible for subsidies.

  • A subsidy will be only provided for facilities that have completed their installment after the announcement of the project for the given year.
    * Subsidies will be canceled for projects that have applied for this project after having started their installations.
  • Not eligible for installations for buildings owned by the selected partner companies.
  • All applicants and participating companies must comply with relevant laws, regulations, notices, as well as guidelines of the Center and program. Failure to comply with the rules and standards may result in withholding or recovery of subsidy payments or revocation of the project.
  • All information submitted for the program must be accurate. Any mistakes, omissions, or errors may be grounds for revocation of the project.
  • Unless otherwise specified, subsidies shall be paid directly to the participating companies by obtaining their consent on the subsidy payment. Any other specific requirements shall be determined by the Head of the Center (refer to [Appendix 4] Consent Form for the Payment of Subsidies).
  • Apply to the project : Participating companies
  • Selection of participating companies : New & Renewable Energy Center
  • Apply for facility installation : Property owner
  • Application review / approval : New & Renewable Energy Center
  • Facility inspection and subsidy payment : New & Renewable Energy Center

For new and renewable energy facilities, the government subsidizes a portion of the installation cost to promote the commercialization of newly developed technologies and expand the market by promoting the supply of commercialized technology.

  • Pilot project :

    Pilot program to supply facilities to promote the commercialization of developed technologies (subsidies within 80% of the costs for self-use facilities)

Classification Scope of subsidy
(per project)
Support budget
(KRW, million)
Subsidy unit price
(KRW 1,000, including VAT)
General 200kWLess than 28,329 General module 972/kW -
Low carbon module 1,009/kW
Building-integrated type - 9,177 Separate review Up to 70% Priority support(Roof-type 50%, Wall-type 70%)
Construction sites

Livestock Building Support Program

The government provides full or partial subsidies for a portion of the installation cost of the renewable energy facilities with the intent to commercialize recently developed renewable energy technologies, while supporting the distribution of already commercialized technologies to expand the renewable energy market.

Project Outline

Livestock rooftop solar power generation installs solar power generation facilities on the roof of livestock buildings to generate electricity

  • To proceed with the installation of livestock rooftop solar power generation facilities, the building should be registered in a building register and shall be checked against the local government ordinance to ensure the installation site’s compliance.
  • Additional procedures may apply, including checks on the connection to KEPCO’s grid (line capacity), three-phase lines, permits and licenses (power generation license, building development permits), access roads, and review of business feasibility.
Complex procedures and checks against local governance ordinances!

Based on our solid experience from past projects, HS Solar Energy will provide just the right solution for you.

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An individual who wishes to install new and renewable energy facilities for self-use in general buildings or facilities and currently owns (a representative in the case of joint ownership) the said property as stated in the real estate register or is soon expected to become an owner
* Excluding recipients of housing support programs (single-family houses, apartment houses, and government-supported housing), regional support programs, and those subject to mandatory installations

  • Building support programs :

    includes all buildings and facilities not in scope of residential housing, as stated in Article 21 of the Regulations on Support for New and Renewable Energy Facilities, and buildings and facilities owned or managed by local governments.

  • Pilot programs :

    projects intended to install new and renewable energy facilities for a fixed duration of the pilot program where development results for new technologies are applied to housing, buildings, and additional facilities or where new technologies are to be applied after validation by demonstration.
    * According to Article 2 (Definitions) of the Subsidy Management Act, buildings and facilities owned or managed by the state are not eligible for subsidies.

  • 당해 사업공고 이후 설치가 완료된 설비에 한하여 지원 함
    * 설비 설치 시작 시점 이후에 신청된 사업으로 확인될 경우 사업이 취소 됨
  • 선정된 참여기업의 소유건물에 설치 시 지원 대상에서 제외
  • 신청자 및 참여기업은 관련 법령, 고시, 센터의 ·지침· 및 ·사업지원 공고· 등의 내용을 반드시 준수하여야 하며, 기준에 적합하지 않을 경우 보조금 지급 보류, 환수 또는 사업취소 사유가 될 수 있음
  • 사업 진행 시, 제출 서류의 모든 기재사항은 정확하게 작성하여야 하며, 기재 착오, 누락, 오기 등은 사업 취소 사유에 해당됨
  • 신청자로부터 정부보조금 지급에 관한 동의를 받아 특별한 사유가 없는 한 참여기업에게 직접 지급 함. 단, 그 특별한 사유는 센터의 장이 정하는 바에 따름([별첨 4] 정부 보조금 지급 동의서 참조)
Business Overview
  • Apply to the project :

    Participating companies

  • Selection of participating companies :

    New & Renewable Energy Center

  • Apply for facility installation :

    Property owner

  • Application review / approval :

    New & Renewable Energy Center

  • Facility inspection and subsidy payment :

    New & Renewable Energy Center


For new and renewable energy facilities, the government subsidizes a portion of the installation cost to promote the commercialization of newly developed technologies and expand the market by promoting the supply of commercialized technology.

  • Pilot project :

    Pilot program to supply facilities to promote the commercialization of developed technologies (subsidies within 80% of the costs for self-use facilities)

Classification Scope of subsidy
(per project)
Support budget
(KRW, million)
Subsidy unit price
(KRW 1,000, including VAT)
Livestock and
livestock facilities
200kWLess than 28,329 General module 1,120/kW -
Low carbon module 1,167/kW
Construction sites
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